There are a few things that we can do here for you on an annual basis that go beyond just the “basics”. Our Dr.’s recommend a Heartworm Combo test annually, not only for the benefit of your pet, but also as a requirement for the dispensing of Heartworm preventative. Our Combo tests not only test for Heartworms, but they test for E-canis and Lyme, 2 prevalent tick-borne diseases, as well. A fecal is also recommended yearly, either with you bringing in a sample to us, or having us manually get it during your visit. Diarrhea, a distended belly and losing weight are just a few signs that your pet may have parasites, and by us doing this analysis, we can treat them to the best of our capabilities. The results only take 15 minutes to gather and it is well worth the wait, for the health of you and your pets alike. (Learn more about these parasites in another handout below.) For more senior patients, we recommend annual bloodwork and yearly urinalysis to ensure that all organs are functioning as they are intended and to ensure you that your pet will be able to live out its life comfortably and happily, whether being treated for ailments or being problem-free.
For senior pets (pets over the age of 7), we recommend that they receive exams every 6 months. Pets begin to age faster the older they get. It is also recommended they have bloodwork run every 6 months as well. Getting a good base line is good to have if patients start having issues in the future. It also is a good way to catch things early before they become an issue for your pet. Feel free to call the clinic with any questions, or to schedule a senior wellness appointment for your older pet.
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