The following are general guidelines only. Individual pets’ needs will be discussed with the veterinarian.


8 weeks: FVRCP (Feline Viral Rhinotracheitis, Calici-Panleukopenia, Chlamydia Psittaci), Deworm, Feline Leukemia test (depending on your pet’s origin)

12 weeks: FVRCP 2 of 3, Deworm, Feline Leukemia (if your animal will be both in and outside)

16 weeks: FVRCP 3 of 3, Feline Leukemia 2 of 2, Rabies

We recommend flea and tick preventative products prescribed by your veterinarian year-round.

Annually, we recommend a Wellness exam, FVRCP and Feline Leukemia vaccines.

The second and all subsequent Rabies vaccinations are valid for 3 years.

*Finally we recommend spaying or neutering your kitten.

Kitten Vaccinations and Veterinary Care