MYTH #1: Animals do not feel pain as people do. FACT: Animals are built with many of the same pain pathways as people are, therefore we know that the mechanisms are in place for them to feel pain just like we do.   MYTH #2: Animals tolerate pain better than people do. FACT: Animals hide their […]


FEBRUARY AND MARCH ARE DENTAL AWARENESS MONTHS AT CULPEPER ANIMAL HOSPITAL. Through the months of February and March, we are offering FREE ORAL EXAMS to determine the health of your pet’s teeth and gums and to discuss the benefits of a dental procedure. All year round, receive a 10% discount off your pet’s dental if […]


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nunc sed sem lectus. Quisque diam nisi, sagittis eget metus eget


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nunc sed sem lectus. Quisque diam nisi, sagittis eget metus eget, hendrerit vulputate leo. Suspendisse vitae blandit nunc, vitae congue neque.


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nunc sed sem lectus. Quisque diam nisi, sagittis eget metus eget, hendrerit vulputate leo. Suspendisse vitae blandit nunc, vitae congue neque.

Toxins & Poisons In Your Home

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nunc sed sem lectus. Quisque diam nisi, sagittis eget metus eget, hendrerit vulputate leo. Suspendisse vitae blandit nunc, vitae congue neque.